Today on the 25th of march I learnt my roman numerals it was hard but I did it
here are some roman numerals for you.
1=I 10=X 100=C 1000=M
2=II 20=XX 200=CC 2000=MM
3=III 30=XXX 300=CCC 300=MMM
4=IV 40=XL 400=CD
5=V 50=L 500=D
6=VI 60=LX 600=DC
7=VII 70=LXX 700=DCC
9=IX 90=XC 900=CM
If you need them at all.
MMXX for 2020.
Today's date in roman numerals is XXV . III . MMXX .
Wow it gets really complicated when you get up to big numbers! Can you work out how to write 2020?